301. Pioneer Saturn.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Pioneer (Space probes),Saturn probes,Outer space, Exploration,Saturn (Planet), Observations, 0, 0
Classification :

302. Polymeric materials for corrosion control :
Author: Ray A. Dickie, editor, F. Louis Floyd, editor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Corrosion and anti-corrosives, Congresses.,Polymers, Congresses.,Protective coatings, Congresses.
Classification :

303. Polymers for microelectronics :
Author: Larry F. Thompson, editor, C. Grant Willson, editor, Seiichi Tagawa, editor
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Microelectronics-- Materials, Congresses,Polymers, Congresses
Classification :

304. Protostars and planets IV /
Author: Vincent Mannings, Alan P. Boss, Sara S. Russell, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Disks (Astrophysics), Congresses.,Molecular clouds, Congresses.,Planetary science, Congresses.,Protostars, Congresses.,Stars-- Formation, Congresses.,Disques (Astrophysique), Congrès.,Étoiles-- Formation, Congrès.,Nuages moléculaires, Congrès.,Planétologie, Congrès.,Protoétoiles, Congrès.,39.43 interstellar matter.,ACCRETION DISKS.,COSMOLOGY.,Disks (Astrophysics),Disques (astrophysique)-- Congrès.,Étoiles-- Formation-- Congrès.,Molecular clouds.,MOLECULAR CLOUDS.,Nuages moléculaires-- Congrès.,Planetary science.,Planeten.,Planétologie-- Congrès.,PLANETOLOGY.,Protoétoiles-- Congrès.,Protostars.,PROTOSTARS.,Protostern,Protosterren.,STAR FORMATION.,Stars-- Formation.,STARS.,STELLAR EVOLUTION.
Classification :

305. Readiness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for LHC collisions
Author: Aad, G; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdelalim, AA; Abdesselam, A; Abdinov, O; Abi, B; Abolins, M; Abramowicz, H; Abreu, H; Acharya, BS; Adams, DL; Addy, TN; Adelman, J; Adorisio, C; Adragn, P; Adye, T; Aefsky, S; Aguilar-Saavedra, JA; Aharrouche, M; Ahlen, SP; Ahles, F; Ahmad, A; Ahsan, M; Aielli, G; Akdogan, T; Åkesson, TPA; Akimoto, G; Akimov, AV; Aktas, A; Alam, MS; Alam, MA; Albrand, S; Aleksa, M; Aleksandrov, IN; Alexa, C; Alexander, G; Alexandre, G; Alexopoulos, T; Alhroob, M; Aliev, M; Alimontia, G; Alison, J; Aliyev, M; Allport, PP; Allwood-Spiers, SE; Almond, J; Aloisio, A; Alon, R; Alonso, A; Alviggi, MG; Amako, K; Amelung, C; Amorima, A; Amorós, G; Amram, N; Anastopoulos, C; Andeen, T; Anders, CF; Anderson, KJ; Andreazzaa, A; Andreia, V; Anduaga, XS; Angerami, A; Anghinolfi, F; Anjosa, N; Annovi, A; Antonaki, A; Antonelli, M; Antonellia, S; Antos, J; Antunovic, B; Anullia, F; Aoun, S; Arabidze, G; Aracena, I; Arai, Y; Arce, ATH; Archambault, JP; Arfaoui, S; Arguin, JF; Argyropoulos, T; Arika, M; Armbruster, AJ; Arnaez, O; Arnault, C; Artamonov, A; Arutinov, D; Asai, M; Asai, S; Asfandiyarov, R; Ask, S; Åsmana, B; Asner, D; Asquith, L; Assamagan, K; Astvatsatourov, A; Atoian, G; Auerbach, B
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

306. Readiness of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter for LHC collisions
Author: The ATLAS Collaboration; Aad, G; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdelalim, AA; Abdesselam, A; Abdinov, O; Abi, B; Abolins, M; Abramowicz, H; Abreu, H; Acharya, BS; Adams, DL; Addy, TN; Adelman, J; Adorisio, C; Adragna, P; Adye, T; Aefsky, S; Aguilar-Saavedra, JA; Aharrouche, M; Ahlen, SP; Ahles, F; Ahmad, A; Ahmed, H; Ahsan, M; Aielli, G; Akdogan, T; Åkesson, TPA; Akimoto, G; Akimov, AV; Aktas, A; Alam, MS; Alam, MA; Albert, J; Albrand, S; Aleksa, M; Aleksandrov, IN; Alessandria, F; Alexa, C; Alexander, G; Alexandre, G; Alexopoulos, T; Alhroob, M; Aliev, M; Alimonti, G; Alison, J; Aliyev, M; Allport, PP; Allwood-Spiers, SE; Almond, J; Aloisio, A; Alon, R; Alonso, A; Alviggi, MG; Amako, K; Amelung, C; Ammosov, VV; Amorim, A; Amorós, G; Amram, N; Anastopoulos, C; Andeen, T; Anders, CF; Anderson, KJ; Andreazza, A; Andrei, V; Anduaga, XS; Angerami, A; Anghinolfi, F; Anjos, N; Antonaki, A; Antonelli, M; Antonelli, S; Antunovic, B; Anulli, F; Aoun, S; Arabidze, G; Aracena, I; Arai, Y; Arce, ATH; Archambault, JP; Arfaoui, S; Arguin, JF; Argyropoulos, T; Arik, E; Arik, M; Armbruster, AJ; Arnaez, O; Arnault, C; Artamonov, A; Arutinov, D; Asai, M; Asai, S; Asfandiyarov, R; Ask, S; Åsman, B; Asner, D; Asquith, L
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

307. Recent crustal movements, 1977 :
Author: edited by C.A. Whitten, R. Green, and B.K. Meade.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth movements, Congresses.,Geodynamics, Congresses.,Seismology, Congresses.
Classification :

308. Renal cell carcinoma /
Author: [edited by] Brian I. Rini, Steven C. Campbell
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Renal cell carcinoma,Carcinoma, Renal Cell

309. Routledge studies in hu
Author: edited by Libby Porter and Kate Shaw.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

310. Science of memory :
Author: edited by Henry L. Roediger III, Yadin Dudai, and Susan M. Fitzpatrick.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Memory.,Memory.,Gedächtnis,Geheugen.,Hirnforschung,Interdisciplinair onderzoek.,Memory.,Memory.,Minnet.,Psychologie
Classification :

311. Search for quark contact interactions in dijet angular distributions in pp collisions at s=7 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector
Author: Aad, G; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdelalim, AA; Abdesselam, A; Abdinov, O; Abi, B; Abolins, M; Abramowicz, H; Abreu, H; Acerbi, E; Acharya, BS; Ackers, M; Adams, DL; Addy, TN; Adelman, J; Aderholz, M; Adomeit, S; Adorisio, C; Adragna, P; Adye, T; Aefsky, S; Aguilar-Saavedra, JA; Aharrouche, M; Ahlen, SP; Ahles, F; Ahmad, A; Ahmed, H; Ahsan, M; Aielli, G; Akdogan, T; Åkesson, TPA; Akimoto, G; Akimov, AV; Aktas, A; Alam, MS; Alam, MA; Albrand, S; Aleksa, M; Aleksandrov, IN; Aleppo, M; Alessandria, F; Alexa, C; Alexander, G; Alexandre, G; Alexopoulos, T; Alhroob, M; Aliev, M; Alimonti, G; Alison, J; Aliyev, M; Allport, PP; Allwood-Spiers, SE; Almond, J; Aloisio, A; Alon, R; Alonso, A; Alonso, J; Alviggi, MG; Amako, K; Amaral, P; Ambrosio, G; Amelung, C; Ammosov, VV; Amorim, A; Amorós, G; Amram, N; Anastopoulos, C; Andeen, T; Anders, CF; Anderson, KJ; Andreazza, A; Andrei, V; Andrieux, ML; Anduaga, XS; Angerami, A; Anghinolfi, F; Anjos, N; Annovi, A; Antonaki, A; Antonelli, M; Antonelli, S; Antos, J; Antunovic, B; Anulli, F; Aoun, S; Apolle, R; Arabidze, G; Aracena, I; Arai, Y; Arce, ATH; Archambault, JP; Arfaoui, S; Arguin, JF; Argyropoulos, T; Arik, E; Arik, M; Armbruster, AJ; Arms, KE
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

312. Shahsavan Iranian rugs and textiles /
Author: [sostaviteli i avtory teksta V.O. Kazari� a︡n, S.S. Manuki� a︡n].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

313. Stroke :
Author: [edited by] James C. Grotta, A. David Mendelow, Gregory W. Albers, Ralph L. Sacco, Joseph P. Broderick, Lawrence K.S. Wang, Scott E. Kasner, Eng H. Lo
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Stroke

314. Structural and contractile proteins.
Author: edited by Richard B. Vallee
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Enzymes,Contractile Proteins,Cytoskeletal Proteins
Classification :

315. Structure and flow in surfactant solutions :
Author: Craig A. Herb, editor ; Robert K. Prud'homme, editor
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Rheology, Congresses,Surface active agents, Congresses,Rheology, Congresses,Surface active agents, Congresses
Classification :

316. Structure and properties of glassy polymers /
Author: Martin R. Tant, editor, Anita J. Hill, editor
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Amorphous substances, Congresses,Polymers, Congresses
Classification :

317. Supercomputer research in chemistry and chemical engineering :
Author: Klavs F. Jensen, editor, Donald G. Truhlar, editor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Chemistry-- Data processing, Congresses.,Supercomputers, Congresses.
Classification :

318. Surfactant adsorption and surface solubilization :
Author: Ravi Sharma, editor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Adsorption, Congresses.,Surface active agents, Congresses.
Classification :

319. Synthesis and characterization of advanced materials /
Author: Michael A. Serio, editor, Dieter M. Gruen, editor, Ripudaman Malhotra, editor
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Materials, Congresses
Classification :

320. Synthetic pyrethroids :
Author: Michael Elliott, editor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Insecticides, Congresses.,Organic compounds-- Synthesis, Congresses.,Pyrethroids, Congresses.,Pyrethrins.
Classification :